After losing his first race for Board of Selectmen in Seabrook, New Hampshire in 2006, Libertarian Brendan Kelly ran again in 2007 and won, defeating the sitting Chair of the Board. He then won his reelection in 2010 and is now Chair.

In 2011 Kelly ran for state representative in a special election against a Democrat and Republican, winning 17 percent of the vote. He’s now building on his strong showing to run for U.S. Congress in New Hampshire’s 1st District against Republican incumbent Frank Guinta and the Democrat who Guinta defeated in 2010, Carol Shea Porter.

"In Seabrook and along the ocean, I’m pretty well known,” said Kelly. “We’re working very hard to get the Ron Paul people to come to our side, Gary Johnson is running very active here and the Free State Project is here as well."

If elected, Kelly promises to propose a bill to end the Federal Reserve — not just audit it. "The nation is totally bankrupt and it’s because of the Fed and the collusion between the two parties," says Kelly. "I don’t believe in bi-partisanship because it’s a concession: ‘I’ll vote for your bad bill if you vote for my bad bill.’ They wouldn’t do that if that if they just had a good bill."

Kelly advocates for real currency and favors legislation that requires members of Congress to actually read the bills they pass.

Brandon Kelly has appeared locally on Channel 9 TV in Manchester and New Hampshire public television. "The press knows we’re here, they know we’re on the ballot," Kelly says.

Kelly’s campaign is also putting up 350 yard signs, including 150 rehabbed from his 2011 state rep campaign. "With the weather up here, if you put them up too early they won’t be there after a month," Kelly says with a chuckle. "We typically get snow before Halloween."

Kelly is positive about his race and its potential results. "I think we’re going to crack open the door a little bit this year and next cycle we’ll come charging through," Kelly says. "People are going to be screaming for real change. The truth will win in the end."
Kelly is author of Enough is Enough, The Truth Will Set Us Free, a book about his political beliefs which is available on his campaign website.