Fellow Libertarians,

The Libertarian Party has the strongest platform of any political party, the most principled candidates of any party, and the most beneficial vision of any party. I think it’s time that we had the best logo and branding of any political party.

In a few days, we will begin a logo design contest, using the 99designs platform. Designers from all over the country will compete for both the prize money and the prestige of having created an internationally recognized logo.

Following this, we will be updating our website, to make sure our website is just as attractive as our platform is powerful.

If you feel, as I do, that the beauty of our logo and website is a critical part of our outreach, please consider donating to support these efforts. Just click here or go to LP.org/contribute, and type “LOGO” in the comments section.

If you donate $100 or more, we will also send you one of our long-sleeve black libertarian T-shirts!

Available in S, M, L, XL, 2X, and 3X.

Don’t forget to type “logo” in the comments section and your shirt size too!

In Liberty,
Arvin Vohra
Vice Chair
Libertarian National Committee