Members of the Nevada LP helped in putting a halt to the building of a $200 million publicly funded soccer stadium.

Major League Soccer has decided to pass on granting an expansion team to Las Vegas, at least until 2018, due to uncertainty regarding the taxpayer-funded stadium, according to the Las Vegas Sun.

Members of the Nevada LP spoke out against a publicly-funded stadium at two City Council meetings last year, and were successful in postponing the vote on appropriating taxpayer funds on the building.

In addition, the LPNV activists helped collect signatures to get a referendum, led by city councilman Bob Beers, on the ballot to give voters the chance to oppose the stadium. He and two fellow city council members opposed the stadium, including one who threatened to challenge the incumbent mayor at the polls.

LP Nevada also emailed their members and called constituents in Las Vegas.

From Nevada LP chair Brett Pojunis: “Today we learned that the MLS has decided to pass on Las Vegas until at least 2018! The main reason why is political uncertainty and the fact that the decision would be up to the voters in April.”