from the Libertarian Party of Nebraska:

Party Begins Petition Drive to Regain Ballot Access in Nebraska

OMAHA – April 3, 2010—Libertarian Party of Nebraska (LPNE) Chairman Gene Siadek issued the following statement concerning the Party’s petition initiative:

“The two-party system has failed to produce liberty-centered results at any level of government. Not only have the two biggest parties failed to represent citizens, they have essentially morphed into one party, further limiting the peoples’ representation in the political process. The “Red” and “Blue” parties have basically become one “Purple Party.” And purple is the color one turns while being suffocated. It seems the only recognizable difference between the two entrenched parties is in which special interest group benefits from their time in office.

"We believe Nebraskans deserve a choice, a real choice, in who represents them at the local, state and federal levels. For that reason, today we begin our petition drive effort to re-establish Nebraskans’ right to register and vote as Libertarians.

“We are focused on regaining the right to have our candidates on ballots, in allowing Nebraskans to register as Libertarians, and ultimately in gaining seats at the local, state and national levels to further the cause of freedom.”

Nebraska law does not make it easy for third parties. The state requires thousands of signatures to be gained through very strict petition regulations.

“We believe the Nebraska petition law is written to keep the voices of the people silent. Although the law is currently being challenged, we will move forward under the current restrictions to enable Nebraskans to have the option to register as Libertarians in 2010 and beyond.”

Nebraskans were able to register and vote “Libertarian” in 2008 but the Secretary of State removed this option from the registration process in 2009. Currently, Nebraskans only have the option to register as “Republican,” “Democrat,” or “Nonpartisan.”

“The prohibition against registering to vote or running for political office as a Libertarian in Nebraska limits the right to free speech at a minimum and, it potentially inhibits citizens’ ability to elect a representative government.

“We gladly take on this responsibility to regain ballot access for all Nebraskans. While we realize it is going to take a lot of work and many volunteers, we are committed to re-establishing Nebraskans’ rights to register and vote as they choose.

“One doesn’t have to be a Libertarian to appreciate the right of the people to have their voices heard.