Dear Libertarian,

Here’s a way to promote Libertarianism AND get very positive feedback from the public.

Keep reading to learn how to join me and Libertarians nationwide this July 4th to promote freedom in your city or neighborhood.

I doubt you can find another outreach activity that will give you as much immediate positive feedback as handing out free copies of the Declaration of Independence at neighborhood parades and fireworks shows on Independence Day.

People love it.

When you say “Hi, would you like a free copy of the Declaration of Independence?” almost everyone will smile, take the copy, and say “Thank you!”

In fact, people often run up to me after I’ve given them one and ask me for more copies!

One person can hand out 500 in a big crowd in about two hours. If you order 500, we’ll include a free Libertarian drawstring backpack to help you carry them.

We’ve posted a downloadable version of the Declaration of Independence that you can print on your own. However, you can save time and money, and get good-looking durable copies, if you order them from us. I’m not exaggerating when I say that the high-quality full-color glossy copies we’ll send you are ten times more durable than home-printed copies, which is especially important for handing out on a hot, humid day!

Handing out Declarations is a tradition started by Libertarians in Travis County, Texas in 2004.

From past reports: “[we] handed out 1,500 in Austin between 7:00 and 8:30 PM at the Auditorium Shores park where people gathered for the fireworks show. Most people we handed these to were sitting on chairs or blankets waiting for the fireworks to start and in general seemed quite eager to take a copy….”

“I handed out 150+ at San Marcos Plaza Park, by walking the grounds waiting for the fireworks to start. I asked if I could give them a 4th of July gift and only one person said no. By having the privilege of presenting the Declaration I also made two contacts to come and speak to their group.”

The back of the sheet says, “This transcription of the Declaration of Independence has been provided as a public service by the Libertarian Party.”.

I’ve distributed these Declarations several times myself, including in 2013 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. People loved it there, as they seem to everywhere. That’s why I say this is probably my favorite Libertarian activism.

We’re providing these glossy, high-quality sheets for 5 cents each, even though they cost us more than that. We want to get these Declarations to as many willing volunteers as possible.

I also suggest setting up events on Facebook or Meetup to recruit volunteers to help you. If you do that, send me ( a link to the event.

Please order 100, 500, 1,000, or even more today. Again, if you order 500 or more, we’ll include a free drawstring backpack.

Wes Benedict, Executive Director