From the Missouri LP:

Missouri Libertarian Party Vice Chair Cisse Spragins will be testifying at a Missouri House of Representatives Interim Committee on State Intelligence Analysis Oversight public hearing August 31st in Grandview, MO.

In March, a "Strategic Report" on "The Modern Militia Movement" written by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) was leaked to the press.

The memo claimed that membership in, among other groups, the Libertarian Party and/or the display of what it calls “political paraphernalia” in support of the party or its 2008 presidential nominee (former US Congressman Bob Barr) could be an indicator that someone is involved in a “militant militia”.

The memo was retracted in late March and Department of Public Safety (DPS) Director John Britt issued apologies for the report’s reference to specific Presidential candidates, including Libertarian Bob Barr and Republican Ron Paul, and for the references to specific political organizations, including the Libertarian Party and the Campaign for Liberty. Van Godsey, the Director of MIAC who signed off on the report was reassigned.

By working closely with key lawmakers and continuing to apply pressure, the Missouri LP along with other freedom groups ultimately succeeded in getting the Legislature to create a special interim committee to investigate the report. Hearings are being held around the State. The first hearing was held in Jefferson City in June and the second in St. Louis in July. Hearings in Kansas City and Springfield are planned for later in August or September.

The successful media campaign resulted in a great deal of media coverage in Missouri, including TV interviews. Even some national coverage with the Missouri LP quoted in an article published by CNN and an appearance on Fox Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano.

Missouri LP Chair Glenn Nielsen testified at the St. Louis hearing.

For more information and video please see:

Missouri LP Vice Chair Cisse Spragins is considering a run for the US Senate in 2010 to replace retiring Missouri US Senator Chritopher "Kit" Bond.

Glenn Nielsen
State Chair
Missouri Libertarian Party