Libertarian Muir Boda is seizing the opportunity to advance liberty as the only candidate on the ballot challenging entrenched incumbent Republican Andy Harris in Maryland’s 1st District Congressional race.

Boda said, “Both the Democrats and Republicans are bankrupting our nation by devaluing our currency and spending astronomical amounts of money on wars, nation building and a myriad of wasteful programs. This has set up a tax and regulatory system that is oppressive and which has destroyed job creation by forcing businesses overseas.”

To remedy this, Boda is focusing his campaign on financial issues that include eliminating payroll taxes, the IRS, and the corporate income tax because, he argues, this would create prosperity for people at all income levels and boost local economies.

Boda has been traveling around the state and speaking about his Libertarian solutions on TV, radio, and in forums.

Rep. Harris, has been dodging the press and has, “decided to pull out of all debates this election season.” No doubt his claims of being a “fiscal conservative” would be laid bare in a debate with Muir Boda, who would let voters know that Harris voted for Paul Ryan’s $3.8 Trillion budget and for the Stop Gap measure to borrow and print another $1Trillion to fund the government for the rest of year.

With Boda as the only other candidate on the ballot, he aims to inform and educate voters and to give them a Libertarian choice for peace, free markets, and voluntary interaction.

Campaign web site: