ImageFrom the Minnesota Libertarian Party website:

Do you have what it takes to manage the Libertarian Party of Minnesota through massive growth towards our goals of electoral competitiveness and greater policy influence?

The LPMN is seeking an Executive Director to serve as principal administrative assistant to the Chair. Current Executive Director, Andy Burns, will step down September 14 to focus on National Libertarian Party efforts.

The ED will oversee all programmatic and fundraising activities of the state party, manage other directors and assist them as needed in setting and achieving their goals, and set priorities and deploy his or her energies based on the current needs of the party.

The primary responsibilities duties of the ED will be to develop, direct and conduct fundraising, and manage day-to-day activities.

Candidates should have experience with:
• Administration of nonprofit organizations or issue advocacy groups
• Political campaigns
• Fundraising
• Customer relationship management software, ideally CiviCRM
• Familiarity with libertarian principles and the LPMN would be a plus.

The ED serves at the pleasure of the LPMN Executive Committee and reports directly to the LPMN Chair.

Please read the full job description for more information. Send resumes and references to: Chris Dock at