Libertarian Party of IndianaThe Indiana LP will be targeting vulnerable state House seats in the 2014 election, the state affiliate announced in a Thursday press release, which presented an initial list of 20 sitting politicians that LPIN Chair Dan Drexler says they hope will be defeated in November:

On Thursday, the Libertarian Party of Indiana released a list of targeted Indiana House seats to challenge in 2014. The list contains a mix of twenty Republican and Democrat held seats.

Those seats include:

Ed Soliday, District 4; B. Patrick Bauer, District 6; Ryan Dvorak, District 8; Vernon Smith, District 14; Harold Slager, District 15; Tim Wesco, District 21; Randolph Truitt, District 26; Eric Turner, District 32; Jack Lutz, District 35; Heath Vannater, District 38; Alan Morrison, District 42; Kreg Battles, District 45; Richard Hamm, District 56; Peggy Mayfield, District 60; Matt Ubelhor, District 62; Thomas Washburne, District 64; Lloyd Arnold, District 74; Wendy McNamara, District 76; Christina Hale, District 87; and Mike Speedy, District 90.

“We have not specifically targeted vulnerable seats in the past. We are now,” noted LPIN State Chairman Dan Drexler. “As a growing party, it is important we show our presence matters. It is important voters and the media begin seeing we are serious about changing policy, running candidates to challenge races and moving a libertarian philosophy forward through real policy.”

“This is our initial list,” Drexler explained. “We can certainly reassess these seats. We’re watching the current legislative session closely. We want to see strong, vocal libertarian positions taken by these legislators. We don’t want to see increased taxes. We don’t want to see the state push down unfunded mandates to local government. We don’t want to see discrimination written into our Indiana Constitution. And, we’d like to see Common Core in Indiana die a swift legislative death. Clearly, we don’t think this is asking too much.”

The LPIN will nominate federal, statewide and state legislative candidates at convention in Indianapolis in late April.