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Libertarian Party 2014 National Convention

You don’t want to miss the LP National Convention in Columbus! Prices on packages have been reduced* and many à la carte options have been added. Freedom of Choice! You can now purchase individual meal events, as well as meal-speaker-only admission; plus single-day breakouts, and more. Go to the new Registration page now and make your purchases. You have no excuses not to attend!

We must get final counts on meals to the Hyatt ASAP; and having accurate counts for all the events ensures that we have adequate seating for everyone.

The Schedule page will be updated very soon to reflect daily lineups in the Breakout Sessions.

There are still rooms available (at our group rate) at the Hyatt for Friday and Saturday nights, and a few for Sunday; you can still book for these nights via the Hotel page. Call the Hyatt directly if you have questions or problems: 614-463-1234

We deeply regret the dearth of hotel rooms for the earlier nights. If you are interested in sharing a room, don’t forget the Facebook page set up to facilitate this.

Due to technical constraints, some menu tabs on the convention site had to be combined, so please check them all to see the drop-downs to find what you’re looking for.

You will see four elected Libertarians now on the Speakers page, who will share a breakout panel on Sunday morning. Also, many high-profile LP Candidates will be featured throughout the weekend; four will be given face-time during the Breakfasts and Lunches, and others during tabulation breaks in the Business Sessions.

J. Neil Schulman has been added as a speaker. Please read the extra info after his bio for a special screening of his movie Alongside Night (at a nearby theater on Thursday night) and how to get free tickets.

So many great speakers and events. Plus the camaraderie of fellow Libertarians! And don’t forget: It’s not just for delegates — anyone can attend!

We want you to be there!

Nancy Neale
Chair, CMC

* If you made a purchase after the early-bird deadline, you will be issued a refund for the difference; contact if you have any questions.