May 24, 2010

Dear Friend of Liberty,

In just a few days, Libertarians from around the country will converge on St. Louis to help set the direction for our party.

Delegates to the convention will vote on such things as our bylaws, platform language, and Libertarian National Committee members.

In the spirit of “setting the direction,” we’ve put up a new poll on This is a non-binding poll on slogans. Most of these slogans have been used by the LP or one of our affiliates at some time, and some are in use right now. We’ve included an “other” option, and I invite you to send suggestions for other slogans by responding to this email or sending suggestions to (Please note, we’re not in the process of adopting a single official slogan for the party. I’m just curious to learn more about what our supporters like best.)

Here are the choices in the poll:

– Fiscally Conservative, Socially Liberal
– Fiscally Responsible, Socially Tolerant
– Free Markets and Civil Liberties
– More Freedom, Less Government
– Smaller Government, Lower Taxes, More Freedom
– Other

Please vote in the poll!


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

P.S. If you have not yet become a member of the Libertarian Party and
wish to do so, please click here and join the only political party dedicated to free markets and civil liberties. If you need to renew, please click here. If you would like to make a contribution separate from membership, please click here.