November 7, 2011

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Tomorrow is Election Day!

If you haven’t already voted, please go tomorrow and vote for every Libertarian on your ballot.

Look here to see if any Libertarians are running in your area. The list is sorted by state.

We have a total of 87 Libertarians on the ballot tomorrow. That’s pretty good for an odd-numbered year. In November 2009, we only knew of 57 Libertarians on the ballot.

If you click on the candidates’ names, you’ll see if they have a campaign website listed. (If not, you may need to do a web search for more information.)

If you know of any Libertarian Party candidates on the ballot tomorrow who are not on our list, please let us know at

Also, contact your friends and family and let them know to vote for these Libertarians. Many of the races are nonpartisan, so it won’t say "Libertarian" on the ballot — they will need to know the candidate’s name.

I am grateful to all of our candidates, their families, volunteers, and donors who have given their time, effort, and money to promote liberty.

Vote Libertarian tomorrow!


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

P.S. If you have not already done so, please join the Libertarian Party. We are the only political party dedicated to free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can also renew your membership. Or, you can make a contribution separate from membership.