April 19, 2010

Dear Friend of Liberty,

If you participated in a Tax Day protest event, I’d like to hear about it from you. I’d especially like you to send me a few high-quality digital Tax Day photos.

Below are some things you can tell me:

1. Did you hand out our "take-a-look" flyer? Approximately how many? If you modified it, please send me your new version too.

2. If you handed out other materials, what were they, and about how many of each did you hand out?

3. Send any other comments or suggestions about your experience in Tax Day protests or Tea Parties.

4. SEND PHOTOS. Send a maximum of 3; send very large high-resolution versions (much bigger than 500×500 pixels, and bigger than 200k preferred); please do not send blurry photos; include notes with information such as the names of people, date of event, and location. Any photos we receive might be selected to be used in LP News or other publications in the future.

Simply reply to this email (info@lp.org) with your comments, photos and any other relevant documents attached.

Be aware that we receive lots of emails at this address. We plan to scan through all of your comments quickly, but we won’t be able to reply or confirm receipt of every email we receive. If you think you’ve got an especially good high-quality large photo that might look great on the back of LP News, feel free to send that directly to wes.benedict@lp.org as well as info@lp.org.

Tax Day protests have been a tradition of Libertarians for many years. However, emotions run fairly high whenever we mention Tea Parties to Libertarians. Libertarians have been quite split on whether or not it’s beneficial to participate at Tea Party events, as shown by the variety of responses to our poll on this issue.

Some LP staffers and I were able to attend the Tax Day protest at the Washington Monument here in DC for about an hour and a half. We got around 45 people to take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz, and about 30 of them scored inside the Libertarian quadrant.

I noticed today that Politico.com has posted a poll of people in that protest, and it includes a question involving the Libertarian Party on page 7.


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

P.S. If you have not yet become a member of the Libertarian Party and wish to do so, please click here and join the only political party dedicated to free markets and civil liberties. If you need to renew, please click here. If you would like to make a contribution separate from membership, please click here.