January 17, 2011

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. MLK suffered serious personal risk to fight against government violations of the rights of minorities. I’m glad we remember him each year.

Although it’s a day off for many people, we’re hard at work at LP Headquarters today. We’ve spent the weekend working on some internal computer upgrades, and hopefully we can complete that project today.

We also have a new video on our home page for you.

Last year, we sent a warning to Tea Partiers, that if they put their trust in Republicans, the Republicans would double-cross them. We’re about to see it happen. I’m not sure exactly what will happen first, though, so I’d like your input here on our new poll.


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

P.S. If you have not already done so, please join the Libertarian Party. We are the only political party dedicated to free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can also renew your membership. Or, you can make a contribution separate from membership.