January 3, 2011

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Happy New Year! It’s 2011, and that means a new two-year election cycle is underway.

The Libertarian National Committee adopted five goals at a recent meeting. You can help us get started achieving all five of those goals today.

Goal 1. Membership: 20,000 sustaining members by April 15, 2012.

We currently have about 14,400 sustaining members.

* If you are not a current dues-paying member, please join or renew today.
* Please ask a friend to join the Libertarian Party today.

Goal 2. Organization: Operational affiliates in at least 48 states.

It’s absolutely critical that we get more people serving in leadership roles in our state and county affiliate parties. You can help.

Please visit our volunteer page and type "I’m willing to serve in a county or state leadership position" in the Other box below the Outreach section.

Goal 3. Fundraising: $1.4 million revenue for 2011.

In 2010 we raised over $1.4 million, but that was an election year with a national convention, which tends to boost revenue. Achieving $1.4 million in 2011 will be tough, but I think we can make it.

Donate today. Your contributions help fund these other activities.

Goal 4. Training: Several seminars around the country in 2011

We want to train people on how to win elections when winning is feasible. When candidates run for offices where winning is unlikely, we want to help those candidates efficiently and effectively promote the Libertarian Party and our policies.

Sign up to run for office. (See next goal.)

Goal 5. Political: 200 U.S. Represenatative candidates in 2012, 200 elected Libertarians, and at least 30 state ballot access by April 15, which puts us in position for 45 or more state ballot access by election day 2012.

Please sign up to run for office. You should be contacted shortly either by your state party affiliate, or by Bob Johnston, our new Candidate and Affiliate Support Specialist.

With enough help from you and other Libertarians like you, we can make 2011-2012 the most successful years the LP has had.


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

P.S. If you have not already done so, please join the Libertarian Party. We are the only political party dedicated to free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can also renew your membership. Or, you can make a contribution separate from membership.