October 11, 2010

Dear Friend of Liberty,

This week I’m forwarding you a message from Nick Youngers, founder of the Libertarian Donors Club:

Date: Sunday, October 10

My Fellow Excited Libertarians,

In my first two letters I promised I’d be back with an updated list of exciting, important, Libertarian races for 2010. We have found nine more races to add to our original list of four – they are listed below.

We have received hundreds of email responses from individuals supporting and pleading for dozens of outstanding candidates, and it has been quite a challenge to select the best opportunities when there are so many who are truly deserving, qualified, tireless campaigners in the cause of liberty.

For anyone who didn’t receive my first letter, you can find it here: Link

We have discussed dozens of campaigns with numerous Libertarians around the country and wish to thank: Richard Winger, David Nolan, William Redpath, Don Wills, Aaron Starr, Mark Rutherford, and innumerable State LP chairs, Activists and Candidates for their input.

We have selected campaigns according to our three goals:
* Statewide campaigns that are active, running radio & TV spots to win Ballot Status.
* State Rep or State Senate candidates with serious campaigns and a real chance at victory.
* And just one campaign based on the best opportunity for a "breakout" in media coverage or discussion based on the best possible TV advertising or other special factors.

Ballot Status Races:

The Libertarian Donors Club has added support for the Iowa Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Eric Cooper to our list of statewide, ballot status candidates. This means we’ll be working on Ballot Status for Iowa, New Hampshire, and New York.

Think about the potential for early campaigning for the 2012 LP presidential nod. LP major contenders and prospects could get out on the stump early and get nationwide coverage in Iowa and New Hampshire. Being on in NY would add credibility in the eyes of the media. And of course, Ballot Status won now will save the Libertarian Party tens of thousands of dollars for ballot drives we won’t have to do in 2012.

… think of the possibilities …
New Hampshire primary.
Iowa Caucuses.
New York media credibility.

And yes, LP Ballot Status is possible in all three of these states. What it will take is money. Lots of donors making their best donation can make this happen. But, we need to get everyone to donate. Everyone should send something. Even if it’s just $5 to each campaign, a mere $65 to cover all 13 candidates, and yet the payoff could be amazing.

But we need hundreds of donors now. Forward this letter to every LP member, donor, your friends, your Aunt Linda … tell them all how important this is. Ask them to donate. Ask yourself to donate. The time is now. Please do it today. There are only 3 weeks left, so every hour counts.

And maybe you can do more, maybe you could give $10 to each campaign, only $130 total. Or target our efforts for Ballot Access and give $100 each to our three Statewide candidates to win ballot status in their states and $10 each to the rest for only $400.

What if we win Ballot Status? Who could campaign? Numerous individuals could make early visits, testing the waters in seeking the LP nomination for 2012. Activists could set up events for Mary Ruwart, Wayne Root, Steve Kubby and any other LPers – pick your favorite – who might want to campaign early in New Hampshire and Iowa. This will help to put the LP in the big leagues for the national media spotlight in the early decision states. LP insiders and interested outsiders could be encouraged to dip a toe in. The Libertarian Party can finally begin to face outward to attract the general public as part of our nomination process. Yes, this could be the most important Libertarian donation you’ve ever made.

And don’t forget that winning ballot status in any one of these states will pay off by saving tens of thousands of dollars in petitioning costs in 2010. This is an investment that can truly pay off in dollars saved and media coverage earned.

We need to win ballot status in these states:

* New Hampshire * Iowa * New York *

It all begins with you, the individual donor, making your best choices from the list below and giving your maximum contribution … My own personal donations are listed below, along with our recommendations for big donors and the legal maximum donations …

… and George Whitfield wants you to know that he is contributing $250 to each and every one of these 13 campaigns. Thank you George!

… but every donation counts, so please give what you can, pick your favorites, target the best of our best … Please help us win Ballot Status in our key early media states … Please help us give our hard working, active campaigns the best shot at victory … and Please take a look at our breakout media candidate, watch his ads, and send him an extra donation to increase the air time for these spots on three major networks in Columbus Ohio …

Statewide races: Goal: Ballot Status:

Eric Cooper IA Governor 2%
Link to website

Iowa is a small state where the LP has a reasonable prospect of winning ballot status with 2% of the vote. Eric Cooper was already polling at 2% before beginning his aggressive, targeted radio campaign. Cooper is campaigning actively and has recently received a major political endorsement. Just $15,000 in additional funding could put the Iowa LP over the 2%. Let’s invest here and in New Hampshire for the added effect of setting up the Libertarian Party with ballot status in the two early decision states in the 2012 presidential primaries.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Free Citizens for Cooper/Weltha" and mailed to: Eric Cooper for Governor, 902 Burnett Ave, Ames, IA 50010-6132

John Babiarz NH Governor 4%
Link to website

New Hampshire is a small state with only 2 Congressional Districts. John Babiarz is campaigning actively. The Babiarz for Governor campaign needs funds to be used for radio and TV ads on the one major broadcast station in NH, major radio stations and cable TV. The Babiarz campaign has a good chance of getting 4% of the vote which would win Ballot Status here. In fact, the New Hampshire LP has won ballot status here before, at 3%, so the big-party legislature raised the requirement to 4%. Don’t let them get away with that! … A quick infusion of $12,000 could make the difference with a major payoff for 2012 and beyond. Please join me by investing in this ballot status campaign.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Babiarz for Governor" and mailed to: Babiarz for Governor, 12 Liberty Lane, Grafton NH 03240.

Warren Redlich NY Governor 50,000 votes
Link to website

New York is an important state in the eyes of the media and has a large population. It only takes 50,000 votes to win ballot status and yet the LP has never succeeded in doing so. This year, however, the LP has an active campaigner, an elected official, running as our candidate for Governor. Redlich has been invited to debate the field … And the erratic, irascible behavior of the Republican nominee leaves a vacuum to be filled. The Redlich for
Governor campaign is seeking funds to run radio, targeted cable TV, and major network TV in upstate areas. My estimate is that the Redlich campaign needs $35,000 more, this week, to have a real shot at 50,000 votes – they will put all donor club donations on TV and radio. The campaign has raised thousands of dollars since my first letter, but they need more. Please join me in an LP breakthrough in New York. Link to video

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Redlich for Governor" and mailed to: Redlich for Governor, 255 Washington Ave Ext., Suite 108, Albany, NY 12205.

State Senate: Goal: To Win:

Bill Yarbrough OH
Link to website

Bill Yarbrough in Ohio State Senate district 3 is airing radio ads right now (listen on YouTube). He is campaigning actively district wide with yard signs, door-to-door, personal appearances and numerous endorsements. Yarbrough’s district encompasses three Ohio State House districts, two of which have hot LP campaigns and falls under the media umbrella provided by the Irvine for Congress campaign. These campaigns are coordinating their efforts for maximum coverage with yard signs and door-to-door efforts. The Yarbrough campaign will end with a district wide targeted direct mail effort. Funding this campaign is a must.
Link to video

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Yarbrough for Ohio" and mailed to: Yarbrough for Ohio, 6300 Hilltop Trail Dr, New Albany, OH 43054

State House of Representatives: Goal: To Win:

Robert Nowotny TX
Link to website

Robert Nowotny is the Libertarian candidate for Texas State Representative, District 73. He has been running full time since January in his four county, rural district in a two-way race against an unpopular one term Republican. His signs are up, he is already running radio and newspaper ads and plans additional buys. He plans a final direct mail campaign to district voters. He needs $6,000 in additional contributions to make this happen. Many in Texas feel that his campaign represents the best chance for victory in a state with one of the most active State LP organizations. Robert Nowotny could be our first elected State Rep in Texas.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Robert Nowotny, Libertarian Candidate" and mailed to: Robert Nowotny, Libertarian Candidate for State Representative, 6001 Creekwood Pass, Spring Branch, TX 78070

Heather Scott TN
Link to website

Heather Scott has been elected twice to the County Commission. She is running in a 4-way race for an open seat in Tennessee’s 57th House district. Scott is a known and respected contender, having proven her electability, and she is participating in community events, forums and debates sponsored by local Tea Party groups and the media. She is running an active campaign throughout her district in Wilson and Sumner counties with yard signs, door-to-door literature and newspaper ads and radio. Strict ballot laws that were recently overturned have prevented Tennessee Libertarians from running under our party label, so she will appear as an independent on the ballot. This is another serious campaign close to victory. All new contributions will be spent on radio and TV advertising. Our donations could spell the difference.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Heather Scott for State Representative" and mailed to: Heather Scott for State Representative, P.O. Box 314, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121.

Tim Mullen PA
Link to website

Tim Mullen is out every day campaigning door-to-door in the Pennsylvania State Rep district 120. He has opened a campaign headquarters that is already funded through the election and has blanketed his district with hundreds of yard signs, more than 50,000 pieces of literature, and radio advertising. Like many of the campaigns on our list, Mullen is running a model campaign that his state LP can learn from and hopes to replicate statewide in the future. He is being attacked constantly by his Republican opponent (so we know Mullen is threatening an upset) and the Democrat seems to be out of the race, in this three-way match. Mullen is in this to win. He needs another $10,000 for additional radio spots and signage. Please donate today.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Vote Mullen for State Rep." and mailed to: Vote Mullen, 193 Riverside Drive, Factoryville, PA 18419.

Rex Bell IN
Link to website

After carrying 8 precincts and winning 37% of the vote in 2008 in a two-way race, Rex Bell is running again for the Indiana House in district 54. He is a lifelong resident of the area and his wife is an elected Libertarian judge. Bell is campaigning daily. He has a targeted door-to-door effort aimed at reaching most of his district. He has purchased radio spots to run from now through election day and ads in five local newspapers. He needs $1,500 to expand his radio buy and more newspaper ads to cover his rural three county district.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Hoosiers for Rex Bell" and mailed to: Rex Bell for Indiana House, 17059 State Road 38, Hagerston, IN 47346.

Lawrence Binsky OH
Link to website

Lawrence Binsky, Ohio House district 20, is a well known businessman, actively campaigning in the town where he grew up and still lives with his family. He is covering his district door-to-door, has yard signs and is coordinating with the umbrella campaigns of Yarbrough state senate and Irvine for Congress. There is a great benefit of supporting candidates whose districts coincide, which the major parties use to their great advantage for reaching voters and GOTV. It’s time for Libertarians to do the same. Please donate today.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Binsky for Ohio" and mailed to: Binsky for Ohio, 75 South Cassingham, Bexley, OH 43209.

Christine Smith CO
Link to website

Christine Smith, running in State House district 60, has been advertising throughout her six county district since January in newspapers and with 60 min. spots on radio since August. She is campaigning door-to-door along with volunteers throughout her district. Her 3-way race against a Republican incumbent is quite winnable this year, with a 3rd Party candidate close to winning the Governorship and the Republican party potentially losing ballot status. This means it’s anything goes and Christine Smith could benefit from that revolutionary environment. Her campaign is hampered by a $200 donation limit that allows the major party candidates to receive $400. Please send your best donation ASAP and help Christine win.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card.
Personal checks should be made payable to: "Elect Christine Smith" and mailed to: Elect Christine Smit
h, 478 Country Road 46, Howard, CO 81233.

Nicholas De Laat WY
Link to website

Wyoming has the lowest population of all US states and this means small State Rep districts. Nick De Laat is actively competing for the State House of Representatives in District 52 and is campaigning full time till election day. Either he or a campaign volunteer plans to visit every door in his district. He has already raised several thousand dollars for literature, yard signs, and a full sized billboard. This is a three way race with a Republican incumbent, an independent Republican with an inactive campaign, and our LP candidate De Laat. An additional infusion of $3,000 could allow the De Laat campaign to fund a district wide postcard mailing just prior to election day and radio advertising. We need to make a major effort to pick up the votes that will be the margin of victory. This is a serious chance for an LP victory, one of the best nationwide, which is why I sent $1000 while recommending everyone to commit to $100 to help put Nick De Laat over the top.

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Elect Nicholas De Laat" and mailed to: Elect Nicholas De Laat, 5105 Tarry St., Gillette WY 82718.

Brendan Kelly NH
Link to website

Brendan Kelly has been elected and reelected as Selectman in the town of Seabrook, New Hampshire, which means he has proven himself electable. He is running in a small state in district 14 that will elect 4 members to the New Hampshire State House of Representatives. Kelly is campaigning seriously, to win. This is his second try and has a serious shot. He needs to raise $2,500 quickly. I have recommended a $100 donation to win, and I have sent $250 toward Brendan’s victory. Let’s give him the money he needs for literature, signs and local advertising. Link to video

Donations can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Friends of Brendan Kelly" and mailed to: Friends of Brendan Kelly, P.O. Box 631, Seabrook NH 03874

U.S. House of Representatives: Goal: Maximum Attention:

Travis Irvine OH
Link to website

Travis Irvine is running an active, full-time campaign in the Ohio 12th Congressional District in a three-way race. He has made outstanding videos throughout his campaign that are funny, witty, incisive, and present the Libertarian Party in a simple, clear, positive light. Irvine can deliver a libertarian message with a humorous jab. He lampoons his Dem and Rep rivals mercilessly in his videos (links below). There is nothing better out there, and we absolutely must encourage this type of campaign.

The Irvine for Congress campaign has the added attraction of being an umbrella campaign for numerous Ohio candidates in the Columbus area. Voters in Bill Yarbrough’s Ohio Senate district 3, along with LP Ohio House candidates Lawrence Binski, Michael Johnstion, Mark Noble, and Casey Borders will see this televised Libertarian message under an Irvine TV media umbrella. In addition, voters in two other US House districts, LP candidates Buck Elsass and Bill Kammerer, and the Ohio LP statewide slate will also be viewing these Libertarian ads.

Please, I am urging everyone to make their maximum possible donation right here. Yes, we want everyone to donate to all the candidates above, but then we must give these message mavens the chance to work their creative magic and run spots that will air for the two weeks up to the election.

If we can raise just $15,000 more for these TV ads would energize every LP campaign in area and $30,000 could yield a media payoff that would leverage our investment many times over … these are the kind of spots that can create a buzz nationwide that will amaze us all …

Travis ran for mayor of his hometown in Bexley, Ohio in 2007 and produced a short documentary about this experience called "American Mayor," which was featured in the 2010 Short Film Corner at the Festival de Cannes and the Atlanta International Documentary Film Festival. A television commercial from that race was featured on the Jay Leno show in July 2010.

The Irvine for Congress campaign represents a long-term investment for all of us. We need to support this effort today, measure its effects, and expand such outreach in years to come.

Irvine for Congress: Vote Different:
Link to video

A Federal Budget Haircut:
Link to video

The Kiss of Debt:
Link to video

Fatcat Tiberi:
Link to video

Paula Brokes’ Carpet bagging:
Link to video

GOP: An Apology to America:
Link to video

Donations to Irvine for Congress can be made through the website by credit card or paypal.
Checks should be made payable to: "Irvine for Congress" and mailed to: Irvine for Congress, 729 College Ave, Columbus, OH 43209.

Candidate State Office Goal Max Legal Donation Recommended Donation My Donation
Eric Cooper IA Governor Ballot Status 2% None $1,000 $1,000
John Babiarz NH Governor Ballot Status 4% $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Warren Redlich NY Governor Ballot Status 50,000 votes $55,900 $1,000+ $1,000
Travis Irvine OH US House Max Attention $2,400 $1,000 $2,400
Bill Yarbrough OH State Senate Win $11,395 $200 $200
Robert Nowotny TX State Rep Win None $100 $250
Heather Scott TN State Rep Win $1,000 $100 $100
Tim Mullen PA State Rep Win None $100 $100
Rex Bell IN State Rep Win $2,300 $100 $100
Lawrence Binsky OH State Rep Win $11,395 $100 $100
Christine Smith CO State Rep Win $200 $100 $100
Nicholas De Laat WY State Rep Win $1,000 $100 $1,000
Brendan Kelly NH State Rep Win $1,000 $100 $250

There they are. Thirteen impressive candidates. Thirteen campaigns in need of funds – mine and yours – funds to help them meet their goals for building the LP and for victory.

These thirteen need your help. I had planned to give $5,000 to campaign 2010. I have pushed myself significant
ly beyond that level. But, it’s not enough. It’s urgent that each of you join me in giving whatever you can – any amount – to some, or just one, or all. But please send your best donations today.

There are three statewide campaigns that need your support – where they can win ballot status. Not states that are easy that we always win, nor those that seem impossible, but those where it is possible – difficult, but doable, with some help and a push – and a donation from me and you.

There are eight winnable races for state offices – State Representatives and State Senate. No, there’s no guarantee that we’ll win, but we can help fund candidates who are in the race, who are serious, who are the best candidate in the race and who could win.

And, something special. The wild card race. Travis Irvine. I have watched his videos. They are amazing, funny, clever, witty … they carry a message and a punch. We absolutely must these make sure that these ads are widely broadcast on major network TV in his district.

Of course, the money that I had planned to donate is running out and it’s getting spread a bit thin – sad to say. Sure, I could have just kept my money, complaining and doing nothing. But, I have to try. Maybe none of these candidates will win and no one will win ballot status this time. Maybe some will succeed. But, I know that the worst regrets in life come from the things not attempted, the battles not fought, the roads not traveled …

… and I know that if we keep running high quality campaigns, and help them with the money to be competitive, eventually we will start winning. We must fund our best candidates. This year and every year.

So, I’m giving. All that I can. More than I can afford. Because I have to. Because we can never win if we never try. There is nothing in this for me – no campaign, no LP office, no commissions, and I have not included any of my LP friends who are running for office on this list (sorry guys). In fact, I’m asking them to give to these other campaigns too!

What is in this for me, and for you, is a chance. A chance to build the LP, begin to build the party, to raise more money than ever before. A chance to begin to push back against the tyrant that is our government today.

Now, I want you to seriously think about this. Because I think we have something amazing going on … Something we need to fund … We have high quality candidates and campaigns who just need ammunition to fight back, for all of us … and all we have to do is donate.

We have large groups of individuals all across America looking for a new political home, we have incredible candidates campaigning hard, reaching out to these new prospects, building our party, spreading the seeds of liberty, badly in need of funds, we have the Libertarian National Congressional Committee donating significantly for the first time, and

… we have our dedicated LP members, donors and friends – you – the most important piece in this effort …

Please join us in donating for liberty.

Please do it now. Today. There is no time left.

Every candidate above has a website where you can click and donate.

Please scroll back up, click, and join us in donating for Liberty.

Nick Youngers
Libertarian Donors Club

Thanks for looking at that message from Nick Youngers.


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

P.S. If you have not already done so, please join the Libertarian Party. We are the only political party dedicated to free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can also renew your membership. Or, you can make a contribution separate from membership.