October 4, 2010

Dear Friend of Liberty,

We’re entering the peak month of election activity. The time to act is now!

So far we’ve bought 700,000 Quiz Across America door hangers, shipped almost 400,000 to volunteers, and used a bunch as samples in a snail-mail letter that is reaching many homes right now and generating even more volunteers and demand. We’ve got about 264,000 left.

I’m sitting here wondering if I should order more door hangers, or if we have enough. Our supplier takes 2-3 weeks to deliver, so if I’m going to order more, I ought to do it right away.

I’d hate to run out. On the other hand, I don’t want our office too full of unused door hangers. They can be used after election day and in following years, but I really think they will be most effective right now.

If you plan to order door hangers, please order right away to help me with our inventory planning.

Hopefully you’ll make it clear to me today that I should go ahead and order 300,000 more. Do that by ordering 200 or 1,000 today.

Or help by donating financially. If we raise $3,000 online today, I’ll go ahead and order 300,000 more door hangers, which will put us at one million total purchased!

As of this morning, the donation ticker on our home page showed $293,662.70, so if we reach $296,662.70 today, I’ll place the order immediately. Donate to help!

We have over 800 candidates plus many more volunteers putting in tons of time right now. While many of our candidates have teams of helpers, I know lots of them are also attending events all by themselves, doing their best with the time and resources they have. I made an offer of free door hangers for Libertarian candidates recently, and this is what one candidate wrote:

"I can’t believe how busy a campaign can be, even for just a regional campaign! I love the door hangers, and I’ll take the maximum for the free offer as I plan to canvas several neighborhoods in my district, and I may purchase more soon!"

Another volunteer wrote:

"This is a great campaign to get the LP message out. I walked my district last week with the door hangers and will be doing it again tomorrow. People love it and our message!"

I’ve run some pretty big campaigns for city council myself, with lots of volunteers, but I also spent lots of time answering surveys, putting up signs, and attending events all by myself. Many volunteers also worked by themselves putting up materials.

It’s great when you have others to work with. But individual efforts are also very important.

We’re counting on thousands of individuals like you to put in a heroic effort even if it seems like no one notices. Putting up 200 door hangers in your neighborhood is the best way I know of to start.

It’s the thousands of volunteers who decide on their own to help without being in the spotlight, all added up, that makes a huge difference.

I took some time off from the office Saturday, and attended a big rally in Washington, DC, to do a little individual activism, carrying a Libertarian Party anti-war sign for three hours. Perhaps a few would say the Executive Director ought to be doing more important things than waving a sign — to them I’d say, I work seven days most weeks and my other option Saturday was to take the day off and visit some DC sights without bringing a sign.

I am especially proud that we have 800 candidates this year. Some are running full-fledged campaigns with a strong chance of winning. Others, though campaigning very little, have done what we asked — put their names on the ballot to fill out the Libertarian Party slate of candidates and give voters a Libertarian choice.

It’s because we have so many candidates running that the public recognizes us as a significant political influence. The more votes we get on election day, the better we’ll be positioned for the next election cycle.

Please put in your best effort now in these last four weeks leading up to election day. Please order some door hangers or make a donation today.


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

P.S. If you have not already done so, please join the Libertarian Party. We are the only political party dedicated to free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can also renew your membership. Or, you can make a contribution separate from membership.