Nicholas Sarwark
National LP Chair
Reason Magazine published a column by Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the national Libertarian Party online:
“Why should libertarians vote for the Libertarian Party? The short answer is that ‘libertarian’ is right there in the name. If that’s good enough for you, thank you for your vote for our candidates, you can stop reading now. But if you’re one of those ‘small l’ libertarians who want to know why you should vote for the Libertarian Party candidate instead of the candidate with the D or R by their name who is closest to your views, read on.
“Voting for a candidate with a D or an R by their name sends a message. It says, ‘keep doing what you’re doing, raise taxes, spend more, add to the nation’s debt, invent more doomed-to-failure government programs, and start more wars.’
“Only the Libertarian Party puts up candidates who are working to dramatically reduce big government spending, taxes, debt, regulations, bureaucracies, foreign meddling, and invasions of our personal freedoms.
“If you want to send a message to the old party politicians, a Libertarian vote is the clearest message you can send.”
Read the full column here.