from the Libertarian Party of Texas:

3-Day Libertarian State Leadership Alliance
AUSTIN, TEXAS – February 23, 2010 — The Libertarian State Leadership Alliance  will be holding its annual conference this weekend from February 26th to February 28th in Austin at the Radisson North Hotel.  The conference is open to anyone who has an interest in the future direction of the Libertarian Party.  Party leaders from across the United States meet once per year to share best practices and set goals.
Among the notable Libertarians attending this event will be David Nolan, founder of the Libertarian Party; Bill Redpath, the national Chair; former Presidential candidates Mary Ruwart and Wayne Allyn Root; and former Austinite Wes Benedict.

In addition to the LSLA Conference, the Libertarian National Committee, the State Libertarian Executive Committee of Texas, and the LP’s Bylaws Committee will be meeting over the weekend. Both meetings are open to the public.  There’s a small fee for conference workshops and meals.

"We are honored to host this year’s LSLA Conference in Texas," said Texas Libertarian Chair Patrick Dixon.  "This is an exciting opportunity for Texas Libertarians to attend this conference in their own state.  Last year’s conference was in South Carolina, for example.  We’ve worked hard to bring this conference to Austin."

"This year the LSLA will offer two tracks of interesting conference workshops: a Leadership Track and an IT Track, so we encourage all Libertarian IT and web volunteers to attend in addtion to our state leaders," said LPT Executive Director Robert Butler. "It’s also a chance for the general public to check out the Libertarian Party and meet our leadership."

Saturday’s Dinner Forum will feature a debate among the candidates for Chair of the Libertarian National Committe.  Libertarians will choose their national officers at their convention in St. Louis, Missouri over Memorial Day weekend.

The website has complete schedule and registration information.