In 2014, there were 24 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for governor. Eight candidates got at least 3 percent. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.2 percent.
Candidate | State | Votes (unofficial) | Percentage (unofficial) |
Carolyn Clift | AK | 6,745 | 3.0% |
Frank Gilbert | AR | 16,220 | 1.9% |
Barry Hess | AZ | 44,760 | 3.8% |
Matthew Hess | CO | 37,322 | 1.9% |
Adrian Wyllie | FL | 222,908 | 3.7% |
Andrew Hunt | GA | 60,195 | 2.4% |
Jeff Davis | HI | 6,393 | 1.7% |
Lee Hieb | IA | 20,139 | 1.8% |
John Bujak | ID | 17,883 | 4.1% |
Chad Grimm | IL | 116,460 | 3.4% |
Keen Umbehr | KS | 33,708 | 4.0% |
Shawn Quinn | MD | 23,816 | 1.4% |
Mary Buzuma | MI | 35,574 | 1.1% |
Chris Holbrook | MN | 18,088 | 0.9% |
Mark Elworth, Jr | NE | 18,454 | 3.5% |
Michael McDermott | NY | 15,031 | 0.4% |
Richard Prawdzienski | OK | 9,102 | 1.1% |
Paul B. Grad | OR | 19,522 | 1.5% |
Steve French | SC | 15,326 | 1.2% |
Daniel Lewis | TN | 8,315 | 0.6% |
Kathie Glass | TX | 66,413 | 1.4% |
Dan Feliciano | VT | 8,285 | 4.3% |
Robert Burke | WI | 18,375 | 0.8% |
Dee Cozzens | WY | 3,944 | 2.5% |
In 2012, there were nine states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for governor. Two candidates got at least 3 percent. The average Libertarian percentage was 2.3 percent.
Candidate | State | Votes | Percentage |
Jesse McVay | DE | 3,668 | 0.9% |
Rupert Boneham | IN | 101,868 | 4.0% |
Jim Higgins | MO | 73,509 | 2.7% |
Ron Vandevender | MT | 18,160 | 3.8% |
Barbara Howe | NC | 94,652 | 2.1% |
Roland Clifford Riemers | ND | 2,618 | 0.8% |
John J. Babiarz | NH | 19,251 | 2.8% |
Ken Larsen | UT | 22,611 | 2.2% |
David Moran | WV | 8,909 | 1.3% |
In 2010, there were 19 states with Libertarian candidates on the ballot for governor. One candidate got at least 3 percent. The average Libertarian percentage was 1.7 percent.
Candidate | State | Votes | Percentage |
William S. “Billy” Toien | AK | 2,682 | 1.0% |
Barry Hess | AZ | 38,722 | 2.2% |
Dale F. Ogden | CA | 150,898 | 1.5% |
Jaimes Brown | CO | 13,314 | 0.7% |
John Monds | GA | 103,194 | 4.0% |
Eric Cooper | IA | 14,398 | 1.3% |
Ted Dunlap | ID | 5,867 | 1.3% |
Lex Green | IL | 34,681 | 0.9% |
Andrew P. Gray | KS | 22,460 | 2.7% |
Susan Gaztañaga | MD | 14,137 | 0.8% |
Ken Proctor | MI | 22,390 | 0.7% |
John Babiarz | NH | 10,089 | 2.2% |
Arthur Forest Lampitt, Jr. | NV | 4,672 | 0.7% |
Warren Redlich | NY | 48,386 | 1.0% |
Ken Matesz | OH | 92,116 | 2.4% |
Wes Wagner | OR | 19,048 | 1.3% |
Kathie Glass | TX | 109,211 | 2.2% |
W. Andrew McCullough | UT | 12,871 | 2.0% |
Mike Wheeler | WY | 5,362 | 2.8% |