From the Georgia LP:

Atlanta GA — Labor Day is viewed as the official start of the political campaign season leading up to the November general election. To kick off the season, the Libertarian Party of Georgia has produced a television ad designed to introduce its gubernatorial candidate Andrew Hunt and remind voters there is an alternative to the other two political parties.

Doug Craig, Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Georgia, said the message is simple: Voters are losing interest in the two parties that have brought us high unemployment, under performing schools and over-regulation that hurts business.

“We’re excited to take our message of fiscal responsibility and personal freedom to the voters,” said Craig. “The recent 19 percent voter turnout in the state primary indicates voters have lost interest in the stale two party system and they refuse to give away their votes. There is no need for voters to feel disenfranchised. The Libertarian Party wants their vote.”

The Libertarian Party will use the ad for fundraising and place the ad in select markets. Social media will also be used and will play a critical role in voter outreach.

For more information, click here to visit the Georgia LP website.