Libertarian Party Special Awards    for the 2012 National LP Convention

To be presented at the Saturday night banquet during the 2012 National LP Convention:


THOMAS JEFFERSON Leadership Award – will be presented to the LP member whose achievements merit our recognition of outstanding leadership, high character, and dedication to the principles and goals of the Party.

            Note: Thomas Jefferson was our third President, Governor of Virginia and Secretary of State. The most influential Founder, he was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. He favored a limited national government. He negotiated the Louisiana Purchase, directed the Lewis and Clark Expedition and led the development of the University of Virginia.


PATRICK HENRY Candidate Award – will be presented to the LP member who has been a very effective candidate for public office at the state or national level, while communicating Libertarian ideas, principles, and values. Nominees can from the election range of this year to the past two years.

Note: Patrick Henry was an orator and politician who led the movement for independence. He led the opposition to the Stamp Act and is famous for his “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” speech. He was elected to multiple terms as Governor of Virginia.


THOMAS PAINE Communication Award – will be presented to the LP member who has been an outstanding communicator of Libertarian ideas, principles, and values through written, published, or spoken communications.

            Note: Thomas Paine, who came to the colonies from England as an adult, was the author (anonymous) of the powerful and rational pamphlet Common Sense, which advocated independence. It was hugely popular; some 120,000 copies circulated in the colonies. He is remembered for his words about the Revolution – “These are the times that try men’s souls”.


SAMUEL ADAMS Activism Award – will be presented to the LP member who has been a very effective activist by building Party membership, organizing community outreach, or communicating Libertarian principles.

Note: Samuel Adams was a very influential colonist who voiced effective and continuous opposition to the Crown. He urged colonists to defend their rights and freedom. He led town meetings to protest colonial taxes. He won election as Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts and later succeeded John Hancock as Governor.

Request for Award nominations 

The nominees must be pledge-signing members of the Libertarian Party.


State affiliate leadership is requested to seek input from your Party members, evaluate suggested recipients and provide your Award nominations, if any, to the members of the Awards Committee by close of business on April 5. Your nominations should include: (please be brief and concise!)

– Nominated for the _____________ Award

– Full name of the nominee, address, email and phone contact information, and years as an LP member. A photo would also be helpful, if possible.

– General paragraph noting the nominee’s stature or position in the Party, how you came to know his or her achievements, etc.

– Specific and detailed accomplishments which warrant the Award.

– Feel free to give us a link to a video if you want.

– Include the name (s) of people that support this nomination.

– Also, anyone that should be considered to assist in the award presentation.


          Email nominations, with supporting documents, to

Members of the LP Awards Committee:

Kevin Knedler, Sam Goldstein & Rebecca Sink-Burris

Michael Colley, James Lark, and Stewart Flood are advisors and available to also help with decisions