From Leigh Lachine, Chair of the Libertarian State Leaders Alliance:

On May 28-31, 2015, the Libertarian Party and the Libertarian State Leadership Alliance (LSLA) will be among the sponsors of the first Libertarian Political Expo (LPEX) ( at the Tropicana Resort and Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The mission of LPEX is to provide the practical education that can help turn liberty advocates into Libertarian activists. To that end, LPEX has partnered with the leading political trainers in the country to provide over 20 workshops on issues ranging from the nuts and bolts of IT to lobbying elected officials. LPEX will also feature more than a dozen elected officials including Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske along with nationally renowned speakers like Judge Jim Gray and Larry Elder.  In addition, the LSLA will be holding their 15th annual business meeting at the event, and the Libertarian Party of Nevada and the Libertarian Party of California will both be holding their 2015 conventions there as well.

Early bird registration with discount rates ends on May 24th, so don’t delay. Click here or visit and scroll down to see the extremely impressive line-up of speakers and events.

As part of the LSLA’s sponsorship of this event, each state affiliate is provided at least one free conference admission, so check with your state leaders to see if your state’s complimentary pass has been claimed.

Help the LSLA meet our fundraising goal of $20,000 to provide additional leadership training.

The LSLA is organized exclusively to coordinate activities and share knowledge among Libertarian Party State Chairs and Affiliate Parties. In addition to our plan of making LPEX an annual event, the current LSLA Executive Board is also assisting the LNC in their goal to have regional Libertarian training events. Planning conferences is expensive, however, so even if you are unable to attend LPEX, the LSLA needs your support. To donate with Paypal, please click here or visit

There are still a few vendor opportunities available for LPEX and the 2016 Libertarian Party National Convention in Orlando. If you know of an organization that would like to exhibit at the 2016 LP National Convention, please have them contact me, the LSLA Chair, here (

In Liberty,

Leigh LaChine

Chair, Libertarian State Leadership Alliance