The Libertarian Party applauds Dr. Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty (CFL) for filing suit against the IRS. The counterattack comes after the agency fined CFL for its refusal to disclose its donors as a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization.

​Political Director Carla Howell said on RT TV, “It’s amazing after all the news that’s been out in the U.S. about the abuse of the IRS that they continue to … target political enemies.”

“Many Libertarian Party candidates running this year have pledged to completely abolish the IRS, completely abolish the income tax,” she noted. “We don’t need it, and it will force the federal government to cut spending.”

Regarding CFL filing suit against the IRS, Howell said, “I think it’s a great idea.”

Howell explained that political organizations should be allowed to maintain their privacy and that, just as the media is allowed to express political opinions, candidates and their supporters should be allowed as well. It’s their First Amendment right to freedom of the press.

When asked whether CFL’s lawsuit against the IRS will succeed, Howell said, “I don’t know if they’ll win or not. But it’s definitely a battle worth fighting.”