Join the Libertarian Party at FreedomFest 2013 in Las Vegas at Planet HollywoodLibertarians from around the world will gather at FreedomFest in Las Vegas next month, and Libertarian Party Chair Geoffrey Neale and Executive Director Carla Howell will be there to challenge participants to “Be Dangerous to Big Government.”

FreedomFest, an annual festival where free minds meet to talk, strategize, socialize, and celebrate liberty, will be held this year at Planet Hollywood from Wednesday, July 10, through Saturday, July 13, at 3667 South Las Vegas Blvd. — within easy walking distance of several casinos on the Las Vegas Strip. Libertarian Party members and supporters have been offered a generous $100 discount off of the registration fee, using the coupon code: LP

The event organizers have also arranged for a special FreedomFest rate of only $89 (plus 12 percent tax) per guest room at Planet Hollywood, single or double occupancy. Additional persons will be charged at a rate of $30 per person, per night, with a maximum of three persons per guest room. To make room reservations please contact the hotel directly at 1-800-223-7277 and be sure to mention FreedomFest in order to receive the special conference rates.

FreedomFest also has an additional block of rooms for $129 at Paris and $89 at Bally’s. To reserve a room at these low rates, call Caesar’s Entertainment at 1-800-223-7277. Please note: If you have already made FreedomFest reservations at Caesar’s Palace, they will automatically transfer to Planet Hollywood. If you need to make new reservations or check on your old ones, please call them at 800-223-7277 and refer to FreedomFest.

The Libertarian Party will maintain a booth in the exhibit hall throughout the event, and LP supporters and activists are welcome to visit or volunteer to spend some time working there, passing out information and explaining the benefits of running and electing candidates who will bring big, bold, dramatic Libertarian Solutions to slash Big Government.

Libertarian Party supporters are encouraged to attend these special FreedomFest LP events (click on event titles for additional information and to RSVP, if applicable):

“Be Dangerous To Big Government:The Libertarian Challenge”: Presented by LP Chair Geoffrey Neale and Executive Director Carla Howell, this event will be held on Friday, July 12, at 4:00 p.m. in Planet Hollywood’s Sunset 5/6 room.

VIP Wine and Cheese Reception: A very special reception featuring an update on the David F. Nolan Building Fund will be held in the Koi Lounge at Planet Hollywood on Friday, July 12, at 6:30 p.m.

LNC Meeting: An LNC Meeting will be held on Sunday, July 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., following FreedomFest in Planet Hollywood’s Sunset 5/6 room.

We look forward to seeing you there.