Dear Friend of Liberty,

The libertarians of the day two hundred and thirty-six years ago banded together to declare America’s independence from the King of Great Britain. They sought to create a sovereign nation of strictly limited government designed to protect life, liberty and property – and no more.

Today, the Libertarian Party champions those same ideals.

In celebration of Independence Day, and the unalienable rights our Founding Fathers put their lives at risk for, we are asking for a symbolic donation of $17.76 to help continue our new American Revolution.

Simply click here to donate your special gift of $17.76.

The freedom our Founding Fathers fought for is severely at odds with today’s Big Government. In many ways, we are even less free today than colonial Americans were under King George III.

Your symbolic donation of $17.76 will help our Libertarian Party mission to turn back Big Government, creating liberty and prosperity for all Americans.

How will your $17.76 help the fight for liberty?

It will help fund volunteer and outreach activities to bring more patriots like you into the Libertarian Party.

It will help fund our fight against unfair ballot access laws throughout the country so our Libertarian candidates give voters more choice.

It will help us create videos of candidates delivering their Libertarian Solutions to voters and to a new generation of potential Libertarians.

Most of all, it will help the Libertarian Party be more effective in fighting assaults on freedom from all levels of government!

Will you donate today by clicking here?

If we raise $1,776 in online donations before midnight on the Fourth of July, one of our generous Libertarian members will immediately donate another $1,776 to our party!

That means we need $17.76 from just 100 of you! Don’t miss the chance to be one of those proud 100. Click here to donate today.

If you feel the spirit of the American Revolution welling up inside of you, and want to donate more than $17.76, it would be greatly appreciated.

Every dollar will be used to further the cause of liberty and freedom for all Americans.

Thank you for your donations, your dedication, your support and your commitment to liberty in America.


Geoffrey J. Neale
Chair, Libertarian National Committee