Jesse Ventura
From a Jesse Ventura column posted at CNBC on July 13:
“I’ve always had the belief that you vote for someone you believe in. When you cast your vote, you want that person to be president. You don’t vote for one politician so that another doesn’t become president. And yet here you have an instance where people don’t want either the Democrat or Republican nominee as president! People are going to vote for Donald Trump because they don’t want Hillary Clinton — and people are going to vote for Clinton because they don’t want Trump. That’s a horrible way to pick the next commander-in-chief.
“What astounds me is that the American public willingly accepts that these are the two choices the political gangs that run our country are offering us. And until this country wakes up and realizes that there are in fact more than two choices, despite what mainstream media shoves down our throats, then this is what we’re going to get.”