
On Aug. 29, AdWeek described an ad released the prior week:

“Funded by Alternative PAC, a Johnson supporter, the five-minute video promotes a movement called Balanced Rebellion, which…aims to match voters one-to-one with others who are disappointed in the major-party choices for leader of the free world…”

“[The] political ad starring ‘Dead Abe Lincoln’ [tells] voters they ‘just got screwed’ by the two-party system.

“Created on a shoestring budget by viral video mavens the Harmon Brothers, [the ad] touts Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson in a push to have the former New Mexico governor included in the upcoming presidential debates.

“Since its launch late last week, the video has snagged nearly 9 million views, most of them on Facebook with little paid media.”

The ad had hit 23,893,344 views as of 9/21/2016 at 12:35 P.M. ET.

The Balanced Rebellion website matches disenfranchised voters who don’t want Hillary Clinton for president but can’t stand Donald Trump, with those who don’t want Trump for president but can’t stand Clinton. Each agrees to cast their vote for Gov. Gary Johnson instead, allaying their fears of being the cause of the candidate they like least being elected.

View the ad here.