Dear Friend of Liberty,

Independence Day is this Sunday, and we’ve posted a downloadable version of the Declaration of Independence you can print and hand out at Fourth of July picnics and fireworks displays. But, if nothing else, I recommend printing a copy so you can read the amazing words again for yourself.

From the first sentence:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…

Not only was this document important to the founding of America, but it inspired oppressed people around the world to throw off the chains of tyrannical governments.

To help celebrate two hundred and thirty-four years of American independence, we are asking for a symbolic donation of $17.76.

If we can raise $1,776 from now through July 4th, a very generous donor has agreed to make a $1,776 matching donation. (He’s making this offer for the third year in a row.)

Help us take advantage of this great opportunity. Please make a donation of $17.76 or some other amount today. At the time of sending this email, our online donation tracker displayed $198,675.63, so you can monitor our progress towards our goal.

More about the Declaration of Independence flyer we’re encouraging you to hand out:

It has just a touch of color, so it should go easy on your printer cartridges if printing at home.

Handing these out was a tradition started by the Travis County, Texas Libertarians in 2004. The flyer was designed by a Travis County volunteer. Below are volunteer reports from 2008 taken from their weekly newsletter, the AustinLiberator:

From Wes Benedict (LP candidate for Travis County Commissioner) in Austin:

"Pat Dixon, Art DiBianca, and I handed out 1,500 in Austin between 7:00 and 8:30 PM at the Auditorium Shores park where people gathered for the fireworks show. Most people we handed these to were sitting on chairs or blankets waiting for the fireworks to start and in general seemed quite eager to take a copy…."

From Jim Stutsman (LP candidate for U.S. Rep, District 25) in central Texas:

"I handed out 150+ at San Marcos Plaza Park, by walking the grounds waiting for the fireworks to start. I asked if I could give them a 4th of July gift and only one person said no. By having the privilege of presenting the Declaration I also made two contacts to come and speak to their group."

From T. Evan Fisher in Dallas:

"We had a great response at the parade and gave out every single Declaration of Independence and every bead necklace and every piece of candy. The response to Declarations was phenomenal…."

From Paul Osborn (LP candidate for State Senate, District 16) in Dallas:

"As Evan reported, we distributed all 1,000 copies at the Park Cities 4th of July parade in Dallas. What worked out well for us is that we scrolled the Declarations with the Declaration title visible and then sealed them with a sticker that pointed to the new LPDC [Dallas County] web-site. It was much easier physically to hand them out when scrolled while walking the parade route and recipients seemed to view them more as a novelty rather than just a flyer."

These are real easy to hand out. As I’m offering one, I just say, "Hi, would you like a free copy of the Declaration of Independence?"

Works almost every time.

Again, please make a symbolic donation of $17.76 or more to help celebrate Independence Day.

Happy Fourth of July!


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee