Because Democrats didn’t bother to field a candidate, Libertarian Peter Richter is in a two-way race against incumbent Republican attorney Kathleen Passidomo for the Florida state house where he has a shot at a record-breaking vote percentage for the state LP.

The 106th district, which includes the city of Naples, is heavily Republican. However, Richter attacks Passidomo’s conservative credentials, noting her support of a green energy subsidy that he plans to repeal.  According to Richter, “It’s a taxpayer–funded, crony capitalist program that will fail, just like the Solyndra hand-out failed.”

Peter Richter is running to scale back Big Government and promote personal liberty and free enterprise.

“I whole-heartedly support actually shrinking government and decreasing the budget each year,” says Richter, “and I will never vote for a budget that increases spending over the current year’s budget.”

“I believe that anything can and should be privatized and would vote for and sponsor legislation to do just that,” promises Richter.

Richter vows to vote to nullify Obamacare in Florida and cut taxes. “I support a complete elimination of corporate income taxes and reduced sales taxes,” Richter vows. 

One of his targets is the War on Drugs which, according Richter, costs the taxpayer $88 billion a year, incarcerates more non-violent offenders than any country in the world, and causes the death of as many as 30,000 people per year along the Mexico-US border alone. 

“We have SWAT teams that bust down doors, shoot the family dog in front of three-year olds, slam the parents to the ground, sometimes they even accidentally shoot people  – and it often turns out to be the wrong house, or they find no drugs, or maybe a single joint,” he points out. “How is this acceptable in the Land of the Free?”

The solution, in his view, is to legalize or decriminalize drugs, which will immediately put violent criminal cartels and other drug dealers out of business. 

“It does not mean that it is ok to drive under the influence,” he explains.  “Regulate it like wine is the idea, and it just might save our liberties, our wealth and make us all safer.”

Pete Richter has been endorsed by Liberty Candidates, Liberty Takeover 2012, People Against NDAA, the 1887 Network and

Richter used to be a Republican, but grew disappointed with the party as he watched government grow and personal freedom shrink under a succession of Republican administrations. 

“I discovered that much of what I had believed was simply a distortion of the original conservative values, and the only ones really representing my core beliefs are Libertarians,” he said.
Richter is a computer specialist who owns a small business managing IT services for local businesses in Naples, where he also lives with his wife and two young daughters.

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