Do you file your taxes each year with a spring in your step and a song in your heart? The Libertarian Party may not be able to help out with the former, but here’s a tune that you’ll be humming all the way to April 15.

It’s a little reminder that filing taxes is a waste of time and effort and a huge drain on the economy. It also sucks much of the joy out of life when this time of year rolls around, taking up time that could be spent working, engaging in a favorite hobby, or spending time with friends and family.

So listen to Executive Director Carla Howell’s tax song and ask yourself: What would you do with the time you’d save if you didn’t have to spend it filing taxes?

Then ask yourself: If we were to elect Libertarian candidates who will cut federal spending, END the federal income tax, and give you back the earnings that you’re now paying in federal income taxes every year, what would you do with that money?