Dear Libertarian,

Last year we got 300 students to join the LP for free and handed out over $2,500 worth of Libertarian T-shirts, books, and hats at the International Students For Liberty conference. 
Will you donate to help me do it again?
I’ve got a supply of shirts and things ready to go, but I won’t feel comfortable giving them away unless I  raise enough to cover the costs.  
I know it’s a bit odd for me to ask you to give your money so I can give someone else a shirt. 
But our goal is to recruit more young libertarians into the Libertarian Party. And the college students attending this conference are top notch motivated smart professional people. They fly in to DC from all over the country. 2,000 are expected to attend and dozens of well financed organizations like the Cato Institute will be there handing out things for free.
Our booth was one of the most heavily visited last year and people were very receptive to us. Help me do it again.
Visit and donate. There’s a progress bar to see how close to $2,500 we are getting.


Wes Benedict, Executive Director