Libertarian David Moran is running for governor to revive the economy of West Virginia by completely eliminating both the state’s personal income tax and the Industrial Property Tax with commensurate cuts in state spending.

Big Government policies put in place by Democrats and Republicans have left West Virginia mired in poverty. It is poorer than Puerto Rico and the second-poorest state in the nation with total annual income of only $4.5 billion. Yet the state government spends a stunning $10 billion every year, paid for with high taxes and handouts from the federal government.

David Moran and campaign team members Karl Swisher and Mike Wilson have combed through the state budget to find more than $1.4 billion in wasteful and unnecessary spending so far. For example, rejecting the federal Real ID program and the bureaucracies it forces the state to maintain would save $10 to $11 million. Putting non-violent self-abuse prisoners on work and education parole programs would save the state another $150 to $200 million.

Getting Libertarians David Moran and Gov. Gary Johnson for President on the West Virginia ballot wasn’t easy. In August, the Secretary of State originally denied them ballot access claiming the counties could not validate 7,153 of the 10,246 signatures that Libertarians painstakingly collected and submitted. Subsequent analysis of the petitions by the Secretary with proof of validity supplied by the state LP demonstrated that ballot access had been achieved by a wide margin.

If Moran receives at least 1% of November’s gubernatorial vote, the LP will be on the ballot for the next four years. This will enable the state’s LP candidates to run as Libertarians rather than as independents. 

“I’m confident he’ll get the 1% he needs,” said Wilson, who is the LP State Chair. “David Moran is getting a lot of exposure and attends 2-3 events every day. People keep saying that the system is broken and they’re ready for something new.”