ImageLPDane, the Libertarian Party of Dane County, started distributing food to homeless and hungry at the intersection of W. Mifflin St. and State St., next to the Dane County Farmers’ Market, beginning at 10am last Saturday, August 8th, and will continue until all the food is distributed. All food is donated by local businesses.

“The best way to help hungry people is to take direct action and feed them ourselves. The absolute worst way is by feeding an expensive, corrupt, inefficient bureaucracy”, says Phil Anderson, President of the LPDane. “We’re doing this to feed our neighbors that need decent food. This is why we should phase out welfare programs after we cut taxes, so people have more disposable income to take care of their friends, family, and neighbors in need.”

Stephen Nass is the Vice-President of LPDane, and a trained chef. “In my line of work I see firsthand the amount of food we waste every day. Americans discard over 40 percent of food that is produced. 1,400 calories worth of food is discarded per person each day, which adds up to 150 trillion calories a year. The United Nations reported in 2010 that all one billion people that go hungry could be fed by the food that is wasted every day. We’re taking direct action here, in our community.”

Click here to read the full press release.