Ed Rankin
From the Dallas Voice on August 26:
“Ed Rankin has run for Congress before, but this year, he believes, some ‘interesting dynamics are lining up’ that give him a better shot at winning a seat in Congress.
“In the last election, Democrat Frank Perez received 35 percent of the vote in his bid to unseat long-time incumbent U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions. Rankin placed third in that race with 2.7 percent of the vote.
“But in this election, there’s no Democrat running. That leaves those District 32 voters unhappy with their current representation and looking for an alternative to the Republican.”
“Also in the last election, Donald Trump wasn’t at the top of the ticket, Rankin points out. And this year, District 32 didn’t vote for Trump in the primary. In the general election, in addition to votes from Democrats expected to turn out in strong numbers for Hillary Clinton in Dallas County, Rankin believes he’ll get votes of traditionally fiscally conservative Republicans who aren’t backing Trump and who don’t appreciate Sessions’ endorsement of him.
“Many of those Republicans who won’t be voting for Trump certainly won’t vote for Clinton either, Rankin believes, which means they will probably vote Libertarian. He says his party probably has its strongest ticket ever, with former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson for president at the top of the ticket, and former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld the candidate for vice president. Rankin even believes the Johnson-Weld team might have some coattail effects for his campaign.”