Joshua Katz,
LP Connecticut
Elected, Westbrook Planning Board
In a three-way race on Nov. 5 against a Democrat and Republican for two open seats on the Westbrook, Conn., Planning Board, Libertarian Joshua Katz placed first.
Republicans currently have a 3-2 majority over the Democrats on the commission. Katz’ victory changes the split to 2-2-1, giving him the important swing vote on the board. It is the only board in town that the Republicans do not control following this election.
Katz out-campaigned his Republican opponent. He visited 60 percent of the homes in the district and saw to the placement of four letters to the editor in support of his campaign in the local newspaper, one of which came from a prominent Democrat. Local newspapers responded with coverage of his campaign.
While in office, Katz plans to approve all small business proposals not violating health and safety requirements and block all attempts to use eminent domain or taxpayer-funded projects to attract big business.
“In Westbrook, a libertarian moment has arrived, and a revolution is under way,” Katz said of his campaign. “I worked to show voters that the freedom philosophy has practical meaning — it means more local business, more diversity of business offered, less aid to corporations, and more protection for small business from attempts to regulate them out of existence. Voters responded.”