Having run twice as a write-in candidate in Connecticut’s second congressional district, this year Libertarian Dan Reale is officially on the ballot – and campaigning hard.

He sees an opportunity in growing voter disapproval of the two major parties which refuse to tackle the ballooning national debt and creeping tax hikes.

Dan Reale proposes ending federal subsidies for agriculture and education, arguing they have been unable to stop price increases at the supermarket or mushrooming college education costs. "This will include rolling back mandates such as No Child Left Behind, which in turn will save towns and states money,” Reale explains.

Dan Reale also argues that at least $1 trillion can be saved every year by shutting down 700 military bases in 130 countries that are no longer needed. “We have the technology and resources to hit any target on the face of planet earth,” Reale argues.

His main rival is incumbent Joe Courtney, a free-spending, Big Government Democrat who has represented the district since 2007. Reale says the Republican candidate, Paul Formica, is running a lackluster campaign that is underfunded and understaffed, giving Libertarians a chance for a breakthrough.

The district lies in the eastern part of the state on the Rhode Island line, an area that is struggling to make a transition from 20th century manufacturing to a modern, service-oriented economy. Home to a strategic submarine base in Groton, the district, dominated by Democrats for years, is heavily dependent on military spending.  

In addition to bold, small government solutions, the Reale campaign is planning to capitalize on energetic voter outreach and is installing yard signs throughout the district.

Dan Reale lives in Plainfield, Connecticut and is a writer, editor and former talk show host on Revolution Broadcasting. He has written for Liberalati, Spate, AutoPilot, Urban Mainstream, American Gun Culture Report, Ijamr Magazine, 944, UGO Music and World Politik.

His journey to Libertarianism began with his deep disappointment with Democrats. He admits voting for Courtney in 2006 in the hope of removing a congressman who spent recklessly and did not read the bills he voted for. But the changing of the guard did not usher in the desired results – everything remained the same, which persuaded Reale to run for office.

Having no interest in being a career politician, Dan Reale would rather be spending more time with his friends and family, brewing his own beer, or practice shooting at a gun range.

But he notes, “The Constitution isn’t going to restore itself. If not me, then who? If not now, then when?”

Campaign website:  www.realedealforcongress.com