Charles Earl
Charles Earl,
LP Ohio
Candidate for Governor

Charles Earl, a former Republican representative in the Ohio General Assembly who switched his party affiliation to Libertarian in 2010, is running for governor in Ohio in 2014 to advance personal freedom and constitutional government.

Earl told the Sandusky Register, “We aim to reduce business and corporate taxes to ‘zero.’ Therefore, no large corporate entity will receive favored treatment via the tax code. All businesses of all sizes will have equal competitive statures under our plan.”

He continued, “With the anticipated increase in economic activity, we plan to reduce the personal income tax to ‘zero’ as well. It is immoral and unconscionable for government to benefit from a person’s labor.”

Earl decided to run for governor after Republican Gov. John Kasich supported Medicaid expansion and a severance tax for oil and gas companies.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that tea party outrage could mobilize the grassroots movement behind a Libertarian for governor.

Charles Earl is not concerned if his race results in tipping the election to the Democratic candidate, Ed FitzGerald.

“So what,” Earl told the Dealer. “If they can’t trust the GOP-controlled House and Senate to hold FitzGerald in check, then they’ve elected the wrong General Assembly.”

A writer and retired college instructor, Charles Earl ran as a Libertarian for Secretary of State in 2010.

IMPORTANT: Ohio Democrats and Republicans are aiming to “change the rules in the middle of the game” and knock LP candidates off the ballot in Ohio.

Ohio was also one of the states where the GOP tried (and failed) to knock Libertarian Gov. Gary Johnson off the ballot in 2012.

To learn the latest status on the ballot access battle in Ohio and how you can help, visit the Libertarian Party of Ohio website.