from the Mark Noble campaign:

Today the Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) announced their endorsement of Mark Noble for Columbus City Council.

Mark Noble has been involved with and actively advocated firearms freedoms in past runs for office. He’s a life member of the Gun Owners of America (as a candidate, achieving their highest rating) and both he and his wife Loretta are NRA Certified Firearms Instructors.

Mark Noble is focused on improving the safety of all Columbus residents, and realizes that the issues of violence in our community aren’t adequately addressed by curtailing civil liberties. This is why Mark will work on City Council to strike at the underlying causes of violence in Columbus neighborhoods and focus on proven approaches to minimize dangers to our citizens and save lives.

“I’m glad to receive the BFA’s recognition on my concern for this aspect of individual liberty and look forward to gaining the respect of Columbus residents when it comes to my support for protecting their other freedoms as well.” Noble said.

After beginning involvement on these issues by participating in open carry walks as an advocate of improvements to concealed carry legislation, Mark Noble became an instructor to teach others about firearms safety and marksmanship as a volunteer instructor at the Ohio State University Pistol Club.

As a Buckeye Firearms Association volunteer, Noble helped staff booths at gun shows, to identify candidates strong on pro-gun issues, and supported BFA endorsed candidates by volunteering his time to help with door-to-door canvassing and other campaign activities.

Mark Noble has written articles featured on the BFA website, represented issues of firearm freedoms in newspaper interviews, and defended concealed carry reform in live interviews with national media outlets. Noble is a frequent attendee and speaker at area gun shows and 2nd Amendment related events.

“Current city council members tend to respond to safety concerns with improved lighting or the installation of video cameras that give rise to privacy concerns.” Noble said, “Unfortunately too many of our citizens have learned that sometimes it takes more than this to protect their families until the police arrive.”

In the primary this spring, Noble faces opponents that support Mayor Coleman’s unconstitutional anti-gun agenda. Unlike his opponents Mark Noble understands that the rightful role of government is a limited one that does not interfere in the fundamental rights of its citizens to protect themselves and their families when the police cannot respond in time.