Libertarian Party of OhioThe Libertarian Party of Ohio (LPO) is appealing the ballot access case for Libertarian governor candidate Charlie Earl to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals after a judge ruled on March 19 to toss the Libertarians off the primary ballot. On March 21, the Sixth Circuit agreed to expedite the case.

Here’s the LPO news release:

LPO appeals Earl case to Sixth Circuit

[Attorney for the Ohio Libertarian Party] Mark Brown, said:

“While we respect Judge Watson’s decision to deny our request for a temporary restraining order against Husted’s decision, we feel that he may be wrong in this instance. We are accordingly making an emergency appeal to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals for that temporary restraining order, while our larger case goes on.

“Also, if Steven Linnabary wins his case before the Ohio Supreme Court, Earl could benefit from that holding and still make the ballot.

“We believe we will win both cases.”

[Chairman of the LPO Central Committee ] Aaron Keith Harris said:

“Though we are disappointed with Judge Watson’s decision against our request for a temporary restraining order, the case continues, and we are confident that the federal courts will see that Charlie Earl belongs on the ballot for Ohio governor this year, in the general election if not the primary election as well.

“As chairman of the LPO Central Committee, I can state with certainty that the Libertarian Party of Ohio will never stop its efforts to elect candidates who offer an honest alternative to the morally bankrupt two-party system.

“We have more than 20 candidates on the ballot in Ohio this year, and will work as hard as we can to get them elected.

“The continued harassment from John Kasich, John Husted, and the Ohio Republican Party is unconstitutional, unpatriotic, and shameful to anyone who values democratic participation in a free society. Their opposition to the only political party in America that is growing in popularity is the clearest possible sign that the Libertarian Party is on the right side of history.

“Each and every small setback in the struggle for individual rights and constitutional government only strengthens our resolve, and inspires more people to reject the two-party stranglehold on our republic. We will continue our fight in the electoral arena, in the courts, and in the court of public opinion as long as it takes to restore government to its proper place in our state and in our society.

“The LPO will continue to work as a team to ensure that we have the best possible leadership to achieve these goals, and we welcome input, encouragement, and participation from anyone dedicated to our mission.”