ImageFrom the Arizona Capital Times on August 26:

“The Arizona Supreme Court on Friday upheld a law that its proponents admitted is designed to help elect Republicans by keeping Libertarians from siphoning away votes.

“In a unanimous ruling, the justices acknowledged that the new law increased the number of signatures a Libertarian is required to get to run for statewide office by a factor of 25. By contrast, the 2015 statute had little effect on Republican and Democrat candidates.

“But Chief Justice Scott Bales said the increased burden is legally irrelevant. He said the Republican-controlled Legislature was entitled to decide that all candidates from all parties have to show the same level of support to qualify for a place on the ballot.

“Friday’s ruling comes in a case involving Libertarian Frank Tamburri. It dashes his bid to challenge Republican John McCain in November for the U.S. Senate.

“But it may not be the last word on the validity of the law.”

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