Yesterday, January 4, was the deadline in Texas for candidates to file for the November 2010 elections. Texas has the earliest filing deadline of the 50 states.

The LP Texas reports that 193 candidates filed.

There are three statewide offices for which no Democrat filed, meaning that the race will probably be between a Libertarian and Republican. Libertarians filed for those office as follows:

Mary J. Ruwart, an At-Large Representative of the Libertarian National Committee, filed for Comptroller of Public Accounts.

Bristol Myers and J. Randell Stevens filed for Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 2.

Dave Howard filed for Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 5.

Since state law requires 5 percent of the vote in a statewide election to retain ballot access, the LP Texas is virtually assured ballot access through 2012.

In 2006, the last mid-term election, Texas Libertarians in two-way races for statewide office received an average of about 809,000 votes. Their average percentage was 24 percent.