November 2nd came and went with exciting news from all over the country. The electorate rejected overt, big government, nanny-state policies. Nebraska Libertarians are not however, going to hold our breath in the hope that the GOP will magically adhere to minimum government, maximum freedom principles. They certainly didn’t do that under the Bush administration and have shown themselves to be just as susceptible to the “Washington bennies” as their Democratic cronies.

In Nebraska, our candidate for Auditor, Ms. Michele Sallach-Grace, did not win. That’s the bad news. The good news is, she quadrupled the vote totals needed to keep Libertarians recognized as a political party here.

The great news? Michele won 31 districts (unofficially) across the state. Very positive results indeed, considering the LPNE’s late entry into the process. We’ve come a long way as a Party and couldn’t have done it without the great support from believers in principled and representative government.

And now, since we don’t have to expend the time, money, and energy petitioning over the next election cycle, we can concentrate on party building and candidate support for a change! Our intent is to aggressively pursue all three congressional seats, the senate seat, and numerous local offices in 2012. (And by the way, if you’re considering running for office in Nebraska, don’t hesitate to contact us at!)

I would like to thank Nebraskans (and others) for their continued support to the ideals of “Smaller Government, Lower Taxes, and More Freedom.” There IS another choice. A principled choice. A choice for Liberty!