Contact: Gene Siadek, State Chair

Omaha Focuses on Liberty Message August 6th
OMAHA, NE – August 5, 2011-Libertarian Party of Nebraska State Chairman Gene Siadek issued the following statement:

"Saturday is going to be a great day for Libertarians, Nonpartisans, Independents, Ron Paul fans, and liberty-minded individuals in and around Nebraska.  Heartland Liberty Fest, a free event hosted/organized by Nebraska Campaign for Liberty, will be a full day of speakers and entertainment and the Libertarian Party of Nebraska is proud to have been the first major sponsor to get onboard back in March.

“Since signing-on as a Platinum Sponsor, the LP of Nebraska has put in a lot of work scheduling speakers and entertainers and we’re really excited that it all comes to fruition August 6th at Sumtur Amphitheater.”  Siadek continued, “While Heartland Liberty Fest isn’t a purely-Libertarian event, we feel it’ll be a great opportunity for us to get out the message that the Libertarian Party is very active and growing in Nebraska.

Libertarian-sponsored speakers and entertainers include: 1110 KFAB radio host and author Tom Becka.  In addition to speaking on “Selling the Ideas of Freedom” at LibertyFest on Saturday, Becka will substitute host the nationally syndicated Michael Smerconish show August 8-12;

Manarin Investment Council, Ltd. president and author Roland Manarin.  Ranked as one of the top 100 independent financial advisors by Barron’s, Manarin will be signing his book, Manarin on Money, at the LPNE table after his speech, "Bulletproofing Your Portfolio in a Socialist Environment;"

Libertarian National Committee Vice-Chairman and founder of Atlas Liberty PAC Mark Rutherford.  Rutherford serves as Chairman of the Indiana Public Defender Commission and will speak on promoting liberty through elected and appointed officials;

Omaha based band Ragged Company.  Ragged’s socially aware and sometimes political lyrics are a perfect fit for the sweetly haunting sounds of David Downing’s cello, the band’s lead instrument; and

Omaha based singer/songwriter Ryan Hill.  Hill’s energetic acoustic rock- folk performances are filled with rhythmic guitar and soulful vocals.

The organizers of Liberty Fest have many more speakers lined-up as well as nationally known folk-rock singer/songwriter Jordan Page as headline entertainment.  There will be kids’ activities and a Presidential and US Senatorial straw poll as well.

“The Nebraska pioneering heritage is one of self-reliance, neighbor helping neighbor, and personal responsibility…all tenets of the Libertarian Party. We are very happy to be involved in this event and look forward to sharing the liberty message.


 Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom

The Libertarian Party of Nebraska’s chartered purpose is to maintain a representative government that protects the inalienable rights of individuals. To that end, the Party shall nominate candidates for partisan and nonpartisan office in Nebraska and support local, state, and national efforts that further the purpose of the Party.  You can find out more about us at