The Libertarian Association of Massachusetts (LAMA) held its’ convention on Sunday, Oct 3.  They graciously invited me to speak.


Chair David Blau ran a tight business meeting, and introduced all the candidates present; each spoke to the assemblage.


Robert Underwood for State  Representative Ninth Hampden District  


LAMA is supporting Bob Clark (Independent) for Congress.


Jon Loya wasn’t able to be there, but I’m told he’s running a great campaign for State Representative in the 8th District, and LAMA is supporting him.  Some of the press likes him.


Please look for these candidates on Facebook, check out their websites, support them as much as you can.


Also present was Joe Kennedy, who ran such a fabulous campaign for Teddy’s seat earlier this year.


Joe has been doing a political show and helps libertarian candidates and causes with websites.   He can host your site for $5 / month.


Thanks to my Libertarian friends in Massachusetts!  Let Liberty ring!