On Sunday December 19, 2010, The Salt lake Tribune, Utah’s largest newspaper, published a libertarian essay on the privatization of liquor sales. “Limited Government: Privatize Liquor Sales” appeared on the front page of the Sunday paper’s opinion section.

The author and long- time Libertarian, Tom Garrison, calls on the state of Utah to change its policies on the sale and distribution of liquor. Garrison states that even though Utah has been known as a limited government state, its liquor laws do not fall in line. He points out that while the state- run system is meant to promote moderation, it doesn’t necessarily result in moderation. Its only success has been in defying the principles of limited government and personal responsibility and preventing increased revenues.

In his essay, Garrison supports a free market approach to liquor sales and urges the state of Utah to accept more libertarian policies.

His essay can be found here.