From the Libertarian Party of Texas:

AUSTIN, May 16, 2011- On Thursday, May 12 the Texas House passed historical legislation. By a unanimous voice vote, HB 1937 will ban TSA’s “enhanced pat-downs” in Texas airports.

This victory is due to the hard work of many concerned Texans. Some made it to Austin for the committee hearing to testify, and many called their Representative to be sure they were in support of HB 1937. Thank you all for taking a stand!!

Rep. Simpson’s Press Release:

Reuters Article:

MNBC Interview:

What’s next?

Soon we will know the Senate committee to which HB 1937 will be referred. More grassroots lobbying efforts will be needed then. In the meantime, please call your Texas Senator. Express your excitement about the passage of HB 1937 and urge him/her to support it.

Find out who your Senator is here: