Dear Friends and Fellow Freedom Seekers,

At the 2010 National Libertarian Party Convention in St. Louis, I was returned (with your help!) to the LNC as an At-Large member.  Since I am YOUR representative, please feel free to contact me with your issues.

At the first meeting of the new LNC, held shortly after the convention, I was appointed to the Executive Committee, the Advertising and Publication Review Committee, and the Outreach Committee.  I guess I’m going to be very busy…

At the Texas Libertarian Party Convention, which ended today, I became the Libertarian Party nominee for State Comptroller.  The Democrats won’t be running a candidate, so I’m running against the incumbent Republican and perhaps a Green Party candidate (there’s been a challenge, so we aren’t sure). 

If any Texas statewide candidate gets 5% of the vote, Texas retains ballot access.  If you’d like to help me out, please visit my website (still under construction) and make a donation at  I guess I’m going to be even busier!

Thank you for all your support, both past and present!