The official website for Atlas Shrugged, Part 1 includes a database of all theaters where the film will open in the United States on April 15 (

Without a major Hollywood studio behind the production, the distribution plan for the film is modeled after several successful internet campaigns to generate interest and excitement online through social networking sites (e.g. Paranormal Activity, a film made on a $15,000 shoestring budget in 2007 that ultimately grossed over $107 million, largely by having people request screenings at their local theater).

We’d like to ask Libertarians to click on the "Demand" button at and input their zip code to ask that the film be booked at a nearby
theater. If enough people request a screening in a certain area, the producers will contact a theater nearby with confidence that the engagement will be profitable. The more money the film makes on its opening weekend, the more likely they will be to expand the release to more theaters in the following weeks.

It is also important to link your local party’s tax day protests to the film’s premiere. Since the income tax deadline has been extended to April 18 this year (thanks to shenanigans in Washington, D.C.), Libertarians have TWO opportunities for tax day publicity, one on the traditional April 15 that can be associated with the film’s premiere, and one on the 18th at post offices that stay open late for last-minute filers. Media attention on both days can help to promote not only your local party, but the film as well.

Many more people have heard about Atlas Shrugged than have ever read the novel, so an opportunity to see a faithful adaptation can encourage more people to seek out the book, read it and become educated in the philosophy of self-reliance and freedom. Let’s do our part to spread the word about the film and about our own local activities.

Terry Floyd is a long time Libertarian and the organizer of the LPC’s 2011 Convention.