On Thursday October 21, 2010, the Local East Village Newspaper interviewed Warren Redlich to discuss his thoughts on government spending, the war on drugs and student loans.

 Redlich is the Libertarian Party candidate for governor of New York who has some unconventional ideas for fixing the state’s $8 billion deficit. In the interview, he chastises his opponents for taking such passive approaches towards the budget; according to Redlich, while Cuomo and Paladino keep talking about the deficit, he is the only one with a specific plan for where to cut spending in New York. He explains how bureaucratic pay and college loans perpetuate unnecessary spending costs that contribute to the rising costs of education and other services.

Redlich talks about everything from the Libertarian Party and the importance of local government to New York City and his favorite things to eat in East Village. He ends the discussion with a few simple reasons why he is the best candidate: “I’ve never been caught with a prostitute. My dad wasn’t governor and I’ve never been convicted of a crime. I’m not your typical New York politician.”

Read the entire interview here: